Nerdist (2010)



The Nerdist podcast is a comedy interview podcast that focuses on guests that have a connection with geek culture as a whole.  This can include geek icons, film stars, video game developers, and authors.  The show also invites on comedians, porn stars, and sports stars with particularly nerdy actions. Main host Christ Hardwick, who was an MTV host in his early 20’s, uses the podcast to discuss his own challenges being the uncool kid at the cool table. He focuses his own geek evolution on his weight loss, popular culture obsessions, and desire to be a comedian.  Jonah Ray, another comedian, is the sarcastic, critical member of the team.  Matt Mira, an aspiring comedian, spent the first few years of the podcast working at the Apple Store as a tech specialist.  He typically uses his knowledge of technology to educate the other hosts, who in turn help him with his body image and romantic life. The podcast has spun off into an entire empire with many podcasts under its network, an ongoing television show of the same name, as well as a self-help book The Nerdist Way.

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