About This Project

The Nerd Media archive is the work of Aca-Fan Katie Wilson, a doctoral student at the University of Louisville whose research focuses on geek and nerd culture.  Katie’s goal is to compile a growing list of “nerd media,” media created by geeks for geeks staring geeks. The website is composed of three types of posts:

Polished Posts:

These posts cover material already examined by Katie.  They include images, insights, links, and references. Though the posts will be continually added to as new observations arise, they are more or less complete.

Posts in Progress:

These are posts about media currently being analyzed by Katie. They include running observations and notes.  Not all of these observations will make it to the final polished post, however a record of the original observation notes will be available via a link on the polished site.

Posts Planned:

These posts do not link to their own page, rather they are a list of future material to research. This list continues to grow rapidly and suggestions are very much welcomed.


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