What I Discovered

The tag cloud is providing a lot of interesting insights into the genre of nerd-media.  I never thought that inventing was such a vital part of the genre.  This makes sense, thinking about the writings of Henry Jenkins and the idea of the participatory culture in fandom.  Other tags, such as video games and science fiction, are more congruent with my preconceived idea of nerd-media. It really is my goal to provide more examples of geeks in dramatic roles, since even those geeks in dramas are presented as the comedic break. I also need to find more derogatory depictions of geek to inform the more negative aspects of the characterization.

I think it is important for me, now that I’ve found a process, to really take my time with texts and provide the most insight I can to them before I add them to this site.  My goal now is to create a watch list, that will guide my research in the future.

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